Skin Resurfacing

eCO2 is a new advanced fractional CO2 laser manufactured by Lutronic, Inc. Having recently received FDA approval, its uses include the reduction of fine to moderate lines and creases in the skin, resurfacing for a reduction of pigmented tissue caused by sun exposure and other types of pigmented lesions, and also the treatment of scar tissue.

The Benefits (Fractional CO2 Laser)

The advantages of the eC02 versus erbium fractional lasers is the increased depth at which the laser beam penetrates the skin.

A major advantage of this type of laser is that normal pigment colors are not robbed from the skin after treatment so hypo pigmentation is not evident as is the case with many aggressive resurfacing procedures of the past.

This makes it easier to treat regional areas such as the Perioral or Periorbital areas without creating visible lines of demarcation.

Chemical Peels can be a great way to resurface your skin while also improving the sun damage so commonly found with living in South Florida

Chemical Peels can be a great way to resurface your skin while also improving the sun damage so commonly found with living in South Florida

The Fractional C02 Laser Procedure

Although usually requiring twilight sedation (much like a colonoscopy, general anesthesia is not needed), the deeper penetration setting creates more damage to the sub dermal layers, thus giving a longer term, more complete repair as the skin recovers from the injury.

The post procedure downtime is minimal compared to fully ablative lasers or deeper chemical peels. Usually patients can get back into make up within 5 to 7 days after treatment.

The deeper penetration also negates the necessity to have to undergo multiple procedures with many patients achieving their desired goals with just one procedure.

Chemical Peels

Chemical peeling is a method that has been used for thousands of years to minimize the effects of aging by improving lines and wrinkles over the forehead, around the eyelids and cheeks, and around the mouth.

It can be performed as an isolated procedure or in conjunction with other facial plastic surgery procures including laser skin resurfacing or a facelift. The procedure can be used to improve a variety of skin conditions including wrinkles, uneven pigmentation, shallow acne scars, sun-damaged skin, age spots, and freckling.

A chemical peel uses a solution applied to the skin to remove dead skin cells and stimulate the production of new skin cells. It tightens the skin, reduces wrinkling and restores a more youthful appearance.

Several chemical solutions exist that can peel away skin from the superficial, medium, or deep layers. Depending on your needs, Dr. Mascaró can counsel you on which solution is best for you.

The Chemical Peel Procedure

The solution is applied to the skin and a mild sensation similar to sunburn is usually noted by patients after the procedure. For deeper peels, some patients require anesthesia.

Light peels result in some redness to the skin followed by scaling that lasts about four days while medium to deep peels can result in swelling and blisters that break open forming a crust.

Frequent cleaning and an application of an ointment will help moisten the face and facilitate the healing process.

The peeling of skin is usually complete by seven to 10 days. The skin will have the color of a severe sunburn that will gradually fade to light pink over the next several weeks. This can be camouflaged quite well with make-up.