The “lip lift” is an incredibly elegant and subtle procedure. Most patients present to discuss this procedure after learning about it as a result of having been improperly filled. It is the perfect solution for many issues related to the upper lip.
The Benefits
• Shortening of the lip length between nose and mouth
• Increased visibility of the teeth
• Shortening of the perceived length of the lower mid-face
• Turning the Cupid’s Bow upwards and increasing volume of the pink lip
• Subtle improvement to the corners of the mouth
• Can make the lips and lower face appear much younger
• Improves the definition of the philtral columns (vertical ridges above the lips that connect to the underside of the nose)
• Decreased need for fillers
The Extended Biplanar Lip Lift provides a natural balance to the lower third of the face, often distorted by misused fillers. It is the procedure of choice for both younger and older patients.
The Extended Biplanar Lip Lift is a newer procedure designed to improve the definition and volume of the upper lip, while maintaining the benefits patients were having with the Gullwing (bullhorn) Lip lift - i.e. a hidden incision along the border of the nose. The modifications which define the Extended Biplanar Lip Lift occur in flap elevation and tension-free skin closure allow fast healing. This leads to the rapid disappearance of incision sites. This procedure was pioneered by Dr. Mascaró - it has been perfected and refined over the last 5 years and leads to spectacular results. This combination makes the procedure virtually scar-free and painless.
This procedure benefits both younger and older patients. In younger patients, the procedure is typically used to avoid an overfilled, unnatural look. The Extended Biplanar Lip Lift gives the upper lip a lighter and more defined appearance with greater volume. For older patients, the problem is different. During the aging process, the upper lip loses volume and increases in length. Lip Lifting helps restore a more youthful facial balance, natural volume, and improves definition.
The Procedure
Historically, there have been many forms of lip lifting procedures, not all of them effective. These procedures often resulted in a poorly defined lip border which in turn produced poor definition and a possible need for permanent camouflage with make up.
In the last 15 years new techniques emerged which are better able to improve the appearance of the upper lip and mouth. The lip lift provides a natural balance to the lower third of the face, often distorted by misused fillers. It is the procedure of choice for both younger and older patients.
Both “corner “and “gullwing upper” lip lifts are used judiciously in older patients to lift the corners of the mouth, and correct the deficiencies of the traditional lip lifting techniques. In younger patients, the procedure is typically used to avoid an overfilled, unnatural look. The Extended Biplanar Lip Lift gives the upper lip a lighter and more defined appearance with greater volume.
For older patients, the problem is different. During the aging process, the upper lip loses volume and increases in length. Lip Lifting helps restore a more youthful facial balance, natural volume, and improves definition.
Dr. Mascaró is a leader in the field of scar-free surgery, and as such he developed the and perfected the Extended Biplanar technique. He uses multiple modalities at the time of your procedure to ensure the best possible outcome. This painless and virtually scar-free procedure has been perfected and refined over the last 5 years and leads to spectacular results.
Our Philosophy
Dr. Mascaró is trained and extensively experienced in both corner and modern lip lifts which makes him one of the few doctors experienced in all aspects of lip lifting and lower face aesthetics.
As a result, he can tailor the procedure to the specific needs of each patient. Dr. Mascaró performs the procedure either awake or under twilight anesthesia. Nearly all patients have the procedure performed awake, as the numbing process involves only a slight sting.
Dr. Mascaró’s goal during your consultation is to listen to your concerns and provide his recommendations for your surgery. He will tell you which customized technique he would like to use to provide you with the best result and give you a clear understanding of the results you can expect.